Hippocrates (c. 460-370 BC)
The Father of Medicine
"The physician treats, but nature heals".

Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy
Naturopathic medicine is based on the theory that the body has the natural ability to heal itself. A naturopath will gather a holistic view by assessing the person's individual needs and identify the root cause of their illness or problem. Conventional medicine is concerned with treating or suppressing the symptoms of the disease which contrasts with Naturopathy. Naturopaths use a range of treatment modalities, methods and/or tools to treat the underlying cause of illness. This may include herbal medicine, nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, musculoskeletal therapies.

Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Φυσιοπαθητικών (ΠΑΣΥΦΥ)
Με το δίπλωμα γράφεσαι ως μέλος στον Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Φυσιοπαθητικών (ΠΑΣΥΦΥ), που είναι μέλος του World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) και αναγνωρίζεσαι σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Medical “tools”
Alternative medicine
Chinese diagnosis
Naturopathic principals and philosophy
Botanic medicine
Colon hydrotherapy
Leech therapy
Ortho-body manipulation
Naturopathic therapies
Orthomolecular nutrition
Proteins, Carbohydrates, fats, dietary supplements
Nutritional medicine
Toxicology, micronutrients
Food as medicine (food as medicine)
Toxic food
Lacto-Ovo diet
Vegetarian Diet
Vegan Diet
Macrobiotic Diet
Raw Diet
Άτκινς Diet
Weight loss
Blood type diet
Chemical environmental poisons
Food Additives
Energetic Medicine
Hippocrates 4 Humors
Laws of Cure
Different tests
Biochemical analysis
Face, nail, tongue, hair diagnosis
Βach Remedies
Tissue Salts
Colon irrigation
Infrared sauna
Healing baths
And many more
First aid
Naturopathic deontology
Follow up
Nutritional Assessments
Clinic Management
Setting up a business
Public relations
Signs & symptoms
Biochemical analysis
Psychological support
Use of medical equipment = Stethoscope, blood pressure, otoscope and so on.
Gather past and medical history = Signs and Symptoms.
Biochemical Tests = Blood Tests
- Colon Hydrotherapy
- Herbal Infusions of Large Intestine
- Ozone Infusions of Large Intestine
- Mild Thermogenic Stimulation (using infrared sauna)
- Chromotherapy
- Therapeutic Salt Baths
- Oxygen Booth Therapy
- Float Room Therapy
- Nutrition
- Vitamins and Supplementation
- Herbal Medicine
- Homeopathy
- Chiropractic Care
- Exercise
- Psychological Support

Asclepeo is at the forefront in Natural Health in Greece, with a national footprint university clinic and well-trained educator, professors and clinical supervisors.
We believe in the system of flexible timeline studying and learning. Study and complete your course at your own pace.
With the Advanced Diplomas you are able to sign up and become a member of the Pan-Hellenic Naturopathic Association, that is recognised and a professional member of the World Naturopathic Federation which is recognised globally.
*Please note that you will not be required to pay for any books, because we provide the content digitally, either using our platform or via email depending on availability.
Tertiary Educational Programs
Recognised by the Pan-Hellenic Naturopathic Association