12 Lassani Street, Thessaloniki/Kalamaria-Greece. TK. 55134
12 Lassani Street, Thessaloniki/Kalamaria-Greece. TK. 55134

Leech Therapy

Leeches have been used in medicine since ancient Egypt to treat infections, dental problems, skin diseases and nervous system abnormalities.

Today, it is used for mainly for microsurgery and plastic surgery. Leeches secrete proteins and peptides that assist in preventing blood clotting.

These anticoagulant secretions keep the blood flowing and help to increase healing.

Contraindications include those that are pregnant, anaemia and compromised arteries.

Leeches are effective at increasing blood circulation and to assist in breaking up blood clots.

Other conditions that leech therapy are.

Varicose Veins
Skin Problems
Heart Disease