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Study Natural Medicine in Greece

Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is based on the theory that the body has the natural ability to heal itself. A naturopath will see the person holistically and determine each aspect of the person to see and examine the overall picture to determine the cause of disease.
Medicine focuses on suppressing symptoms of the disease in contrast with Naturopathy.

Advanced Diploma of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a system of treatment that dates back 300 years at the era of Hahnemann.
Homeopathy is based on two basic theories. That "Like Cures Like" and "The Law of Least Dose"

Advanced Diploma of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a therapeutic system that dates back 3,000 years in traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture can help improve the way the body functions by promoting and igniting the bodies internal ability to heal itself by using points in the body that can help stimulate or release signals for specific purposes.
The most common method is to insert very thin needles in the skin. The pressure, heat and electrical charge is able to have effects in different parts of the body of where the needle was originally applied.

Asclepeo is in the front line of Natural Medicine in Greece. With a national footprint in a clinical student clinic, professionals educators and clinical mentors and supervisors.
We believe in the system of flexible timeline studying and learning. Study and complete your course at your own pace.
With the Advanced Diplomas you are able to sign up and become a member of the Pan-Hellenic Naturopathic Association, that is recognised and a professional member of the World Naturopathic Federation which is recognised globally.
*Please note that you will not be required to pay for any books, because we provide the content digitally, either using our platform or via email depending on availability.
Tertiary Educational Programs
Recognised by the Pan-Hellenic Naturopathic Association